NAME: Hill Air Force Base


Fixtures Installed

18 Months

For Project Completion


in Project Value

A tier 1 ESCO engaged E. Sam Jones to perform the lighting component of the ESPC from beginning to end. The development phase started with an Investment Grade Audit of the facility, followed by solution engineering with manufacturer collaboration and finally scope modification with the ESCO to ensure optimal energy payback. After contract award, ESJ turned focus to material procurement and on-site logistics before implementation. At Hill AFB, a hybrid workforce was used with ESJ project management and utilization of multiple labor subcontractors. We even managed to wrap up on time in the spring of 2020 with the pandemic creating additional hurdles.

Unique Challenge: Hanger Renovation Mid-Scope

We understand the unique construction atmosphere of large military bases. Concurrent construction projects are inevitable and overlap. In the middle of the project, a large hanger was repurposed for a different aircraft type necessitating a different layout and lumen package.

Problem Solving Solutions:

  1. The High Bay fixtures in the original scope were repurposed. ESJ worked with the ESCO and Air Force to find additional areas to be brought into scope and meet energy criteria.
  2. Collaborated with the Air Force and fixture manufacturer to create a custom fixture solution to meet the rigorous demands of the new space. Photometric studies were used to make a final decision.
  3. The new scope installation was seamlessly integrated into the schedule of the existing ECM.